Sunday, September 28, 2008

When we went to sliders I met Laure Hunter's mom's friend.

One day I ate a delicious tender oyster at a restaurant called Sliders.It was very very very delicious.

Panther love

On Saturday I saw a beautiful panther.she was so beautiful I had to kiss her. At least we got a picture.

Panther cop

I got on a cops motor cycle and I felt like a cop.When some one came by I wrote a ticket for some one for parking a scooter on the side walk.


BANG !!!!!!!!!!!!!BOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Party panther

I went to Matthew's party and went on a water slide.We also ate cake,chips and hot dogs.We watched football and played Gameboy. Also we played StarWars.I also got tossed in the air and got a picture.


Thursday, September 25, 2008

Panther nights

I went to the perforce and ate a m&m cookie and i got tossed again.I will sleep with John garland and watch a movie.Not mutch today!

Panther nights

Proud panther

Today I met a tiger named Rudy and we ate bread and nuts.Now me and Rudy are friends.
I heard i am going to a fire station on Sunday maybe.Also I am being thrown in the air and caught.I played chess with Hunter and I won oyay I won buya.I also played football with other webkinz.On Hunter`s karaoke machine we listen to Dolphins at day break.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Proud Panther's Journey


     Greetings and welcome to Proud Panther's new page.  These are the journey's of our class mascot, Proud Panther.  If you are the recipient of Proud Panther, please take some time to write about his travels.  As you can tell from the slideshow on the next post, he has been to many places.  He loves to travel so be sure to take him with you wherever you go.  Again, thank you for taking the time to chronicle his journeys.